Hey there!
We're so glad you're here.
Before we get started, let’s get one thing straight: You ARE Brilliantly Resilient. We all are. But sometimes, it’s hard to remember that, especially when hit with one of life’s sucker punches or train wrecks. We’ve been there–as in dealing with heroin addiction and blindness been there. And we’ve figured out a way to come out of our messes Brilliant, not Broken. You can too.
Yet addiction is a sucker punch like few others. Dealing with substance abuse–either your own or that of a loved one–presents challenges that are life-changing, at least in the short term. But addiction doesn’t have to define you. There are tools, strategies and tips that can help you cope, move forward, and build a life that doesn’t center around addiction. (PLEASE NOTE: We are not licensed therapists or medical doctors. Please get professional help if at all possible.)
Watch the Brilliantly Resilient in Addiction Masterclass below and then power through the accompanying “Work-ish” book. (The last thing you need right now is more work to do, so we’ll keep it “work-ish.”) But complete the workbook. You need to get into this stuff.
Then, stay with us. Join our FB community, check out the Brilliantly Resilient podcast (leave a review while you’re at it), and you’ll be a card-carrying member of the Brilliantly Resilient tribe! (There is no actual card; who wants more junk to carry around?) Here’s to being Brilliantly Resilient together!